The Many Uses of Anti-Fatigue Mats


Posted: November 17, 2009

As a business owner, you know that the comfort, health and safety of your employees is the most important factor in your success. You may not realize that the simple rubber anti-fatigue mat can help keep your employees safe and well, by reducing fatigue, stress on the feet, legs and back, and the possibility of slip-and-fall accidents.

Anti-fatigue mats at industrial work stations are one way to keep your employees healthy; standing on concrete for hours on end can cause physical stress and pain that build up into more serious, and longer-term, illnesses and injuries. Employees who stand on industrial mats will feel better and be more productive.

In kitchens, rubber matting not only eases the strain of standing on a concrete floor, but makes the kitchen much safer. Because kitchens are full of hazards, rubber mats can prevent slip-and-fall injuries and injuries from dropped and shattered plates and glasses. Rubber anti-fatigue kitchen mats also absorb noise, so the kitchen is a quieter, less stressful place to work.

Like kitchens, bars are a great location for anti-fatigue floor mats. Bartenders who stand on a bar floor mat will feel tired less quickly and enjoy their work more, allowing them to interact with customers and do their jobs more effectively. Anti-fatigue mats will also reduce the chance of accident and injury, and reduce breakage due to dropped glassware.

While it seems a long stretch to go from a bar to a printing house, this is another excellent location for rubber anti-fatigue floor mats, because press personnel spend an enormous amount of time standing on concrete floors operating their machines. As with any kind of machinery, fatigue and pain can cause accidents. Industrial floor mats can reduce fatigue and physical stress, reducing accidents and increasing productivity.

An obvious use for anti-fatigue floor mats is checkout counters at grocery and discount stores, but a less obvious application is in pharmacies, where pharmacists spend their days standing while they dispense prescriptions. Anti-fatigue mats are more comfortable to stand on, reduce fatigue and pain, and help pharmacy employees do their jobs well in a profession where a mistake can be fatal.

Another location for anti-fatigue mats, somewhat related to pharmacies, is the lab testing area. Many lab technicians find that standing and running tests all day results in back pain. Industrial floor mats can reduce the fatigue and pain, as well as reducing accidents and breakage from dropped glassware.

Some of these applications for anti-fatigue mats are quite familiar, such as grocery stores and kitchens. But even in the familiar areas, some business owners do not understand how much of a difference rubber mats can make in the functioning of their business. By reducing employees’ leg and back pain, lowering the risk of slip-and-fall accidents, and reducing breakage in areas like bars, kitchens and labs, employers increase the efficiency of their business.

Also, employees appreciate their employer’s efforts to make them more comfortable and help them work more productively, and this appreciation improves your bottom line and helps you keep your best people.